6 Keys to Minimizing Turnover Among Gen Z
 • July 18, 2024

Why do Gen Z employees often leave their jobs? It's a head-scratcher for many organizations. High turnover rates among Gen Z are a big deal, but what if the secret lies in how we engage them from the moment they say "yes" to a job offer?

Let's break down why early engagement is crucial for keeping these young professionals on board and how companies can create a more connected, committed workforce.

The Gen Z Turnover Trend: What's Driving It?

Gen Z employees in the US are changing jobs faster than any other generation, and understanding why is critical to keeping them on board. According to LinkedIn, 72% of Gen Zers have either left or thought about leaving a job because their employer didn’t offer flexible work options. Flexibility is a big deal for them.

Since 2020, the rate at which Gen Zers are switching jobs has shot up by 134%. Compare that to a 24% increase for millennials and a 4% decrease for boomers, and you see the trend. Most Gen Z employees plan to stick around for two years or less, with only 13% seeing themselves with the same employer for more than four years. Plus, three in four are open to completely changing career paths, which is way higher than older generations.

Why all the movement? Gen Z wants flexibility, a wholesome work environment, work-life balance, good pay, and chances to grow their skills and careers. Employers struggle to keep their Gen Z talent if they don't offer these.

Let's explore six essential strategies for keeping Gen Z employees around longer.

1. Enhancing Pre-Boarding Engagement

Regular updates and touchpoints between the offer acceptance and the start date are key to keeping Gen Z hires engaged. This generation values transparency and frequent communication, which helps ease their worries and build trust. 80% of students want to hear from their employers at least once a month after accepting an offer.

This communication can include company news, introductions to team members, and what to expect on their first day.

Building Relationships Early

Building connections before the first day can significantly impact a new hire's sense of belonging. 70% of Gen Z want to form relationships with peers and future teammates before their first day. Strategies to build these relationships include virtual meet-and-greets, assigning mentors or buddies, and creating group chats or forums for new hires to interact.

Utilizing Technology

Tech platforms can make the pre-boarding process smoother and more effective. For instance, Abode centralizes and automates communication, ensuring that new hires get consistent and timely information. The platform also allows sharing of engaging content, such as videos and interactive resources, which can help new hires feel more connected and prepared.

2. Creating a Sense of Purpose

A strong sense of purpose fuels Gen Z employees, and they want to work for companies that match their values. They thrive when their job roles align with their personal beliefs, significantly boosting engagement and retention.

Clearly, showing how their work contributes to the company’s mission and societal impact makes a big difference. When they see the effects of their efforts, they feel more connected and committed to their roles.

Impactful Onboarding

An effective onboarding program should go beyond paperwork to emphasize the company's mission and values. This helps new hires understand their role within the larger context of the organization. According to McKinsey's research, Gen Z is a purpose-driven generation, and knowing that their work matters is a significant motivator.

Showcasing Career Paths

Gen Z employees want to see a clear path forward in their careers. They crave roles that offer continuous learning and opportunities for growth. During onboarding, it’s crucial to highlight these career development paths. When new hires can see their future with the company, it boosts their confidence and reduces turnover. Show them the roadmap to success, and watch their commitment soar.

3. Encouraging Community and Connection

Building a Supportive Network

Community-building activities and events encourage new hires to form meaningful connections. This can include team-building exercises, social events, and collaborative projects. Many Gen Z talent want to join events their employer hosts between signing their offer and starting.

Interactive Onboarding Content

Interactive content like videos, forums, and virtual reality experiences can make the onboarding process exciting. This delivers essential information and creates a sense of belonging and excitement about joining the company. Engage new hires with these dynamic tools from the start to set a positive tone and make them feel genuinely welcomed.

Peer and Mentor Programs

Buddy systems and mentorship programs provide new hires with guidance and support as they settle into their new roles. These programs help new hires feel more connected and supported, which impacts their job satisfaction and retention.

4. Promoting Work-Life Balance

Flexible work options are critical to meeting Gen Z's work-life balance needs. This can mean remote work opportunities, flexible hours, or even compressed work weeks. Providing these choices can help reduce stress and boost job satisfaction, leading to higher retention rates. Make flexibility a priority, and watch your Gen Z employees thrive.

Mental Health Support

Eight in ten Gen Zers identify mental health support and policies as a top factor when considering a potential employer. Hence, providing resources and support for mental health and well-being is a must for retaining Gen Z employees.  This generation is more open about mental health issues and expects their employers to step up.

Offer mental health days, access to counseling services, and promote a healthy work-life balance to address these needs and show that you prioritize their well-being.

Encouraging Time Off

Emphasize the importance of taking breaks and vacations among your workforce to prevent burnout. Encouraging employees to use their vacation time and providing ample opportunities for rest can help maintain their well-being and job satisfaction.

5. Empowering Through Autonomy and Ownership

Gen Zers thrive on autonomy and ownership in their roles. Giving new hires control over projects and tasks can boost their confidence and engagement. Empowering them to take the lead on initiatives and make decisions nurtures a sense of responsibility and investment in their work. When they feel trusted and valued, their commitment to the company grows.

Feedback and Recognition

Implementing regular feedback loops and recognizing achievements motivates and retains employees. Providing constructive feedback and celebrating successes helps new hires feel valued and appreciated, boosting their commitment to the company. When employees see that their efforts are recognized and their growth is supported, their loyalty naturally increases.

Encouraging Innovation

Create an environment that encourages creativity and innovation. This allows Gen Z employees to contribute ideas and solutions. Utilize brainstorming sessions, innovation labs, or hackathons where employees can collaborate and develop new concepts.

6. Leveraging Data and Analytics

It’s important to monitor new hire engagement to retain employees effectively. Using data to track engagement levels helps identify potential risks for turnover. Platforms like Abode provide detailed analytics, allowing companies to address issues before they escalate into turnover.

Personalizing Experiences

To truly connect with new hires, use data to customize onboarding and engagement strategies to fit their unique needs and preferences. Tailoring these programs to address specific concerns and interests makes new hires feel valued and understood, boosting their overall experience from day one.

Continuous Improvement

Utilizing feedback and analytics to refine and improve onboarding and retention programs is crucial for long-term success. Based on data and feedback, regularly review and update these programs to ensure they remain practical and relevant.

By implementing these strategies, organizations can create a more supportive and engaging environment for their Gen Z workforce, reducing turnover and increasing retention.

Building a Gen Z-Friendly Workplace

Meeting the unique needs of Gen Z employees is critical to reducing turnover and building a dedicated team. Start with pre-boarding engagement by maintaining consistent communication and building relationships early. Create a sense of purpose by aligning roles with their values and highlighting clear career paths.

Foster community and connection, promote work-life balance, empower them with autonomy, and use data to create a supportive and engaging work environment.

These strategies can make a huge difference in keeping your Gen Z workforce happy and committed. By implementing them, you can tremendously reduce Gen Z talent turnover and create a workplace where young employees feel valued, understood, and motivated.

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