Centralized vs. Decentralized Communication Systems in HR
Operations & HR • October 1, 2024

Managing HR processes requires smooth and consistent communication, particularly for early-career programs. However, there is an ongoing debate on whether to centralize communication or allow different teams to manage their own systems.

HUB International, a leading insurance brokerage, moved from a decentralized model to a centralized platform, and its experience offers valuable lessons for HR leaders looking to optimize their communications.

The Problem With Decentralized Communication

Different offices or teams use their own tools and systems when communication is decentralized. Although allowing everyone to communicate in a way that works for them may seem convenient, as HUB International discovered, this often leads to significant consistency, coordination, and employee engagement issues.

HUB’s internship program involved 35 offices across North America, each using a mix of YouTube, GroupMe, and email. This often left interns confused, unclear on tasks, and disconnected from their peers and the broader company. Without a unified platform, they missed essential updates and could not connect with fellow interns in other offices.

As Robin Winer, HUB’s Early Career Associate, described, “HUB is growing fast and furiously – the manual processes we had in place before were not sustainable.” Disjointed communication made building a cohesive experience for their interns almost impossible.

HUB International’s Transition to Centralized Communication

HUB decided to move to Abode’s centralized communication platform. This consolidated all communication, task tracking, and engagement tools into one system, bringing much-needed order. Here’s a closer look at how this change affected HUB and its interns.

1. Unified Communication

By moving to a centralized platform, HUB ensured that all interns had access to the same information, regardless of location. Instead of relying on a scattered mix of emails, text groups, and video platforms, everything was under one roof. The results were impressive: HUB achieved a 100% candidate adoption rate, meaning every single intern actively used the platform.

The benefits went beyond adoption. With all communication in one place, interns could stay up-to-date with program announcements, access resources, and keep in touch with their supervisors and peers. This reduced confusion and ensured everyone was on the same page, no matter which office they worked from.

2. Building a Community

One of Abode’s standout features helped create a sense of community among interns. The platform’s forum feature allowed interns to discuss, ask questions, and share updates with peers. This was particularly valuable in creating a sense of belonging, especially for interns working remotely or in smaller offices.

Before the transition, HUB struggled with communication across multiple platforms, and interns didn’t feel connected to the larger program. However, with Abode, 96% of interns used the forum regularly, and 98% reported positive experiences on the platform. So, they built a stronger, more engaged group of interns.

3. Simplifying Task Management

Hub also saw significant improvements in task management and progress tracking. In the decentralized model, different offices sent out their own task lists, leading to confusion or missed deadlines. With Abode, HUB’s program managers could assign tasks to all interns through a single system, ensuring everyone received the same information.

This improvement allowed HUB to stay consistent with its messaging and created a smoother workflow. Interns no longer had to juggle multiple platforms or worry about missing important instructions, which made them more productive and confident in their work.

4. Time Savings for Program Managers

Centralizing communication wasn’t just a win for interns—it also made life easier for HUB’s program managers. Previously, they had to track conversations and tasks across various platforms, which was time-consuming and inefficient. Now, everything is managed through Abode, saving program managers valuable time and effort.

While the first year of using Abode was challenging, HUB expects to save even more time as they become more familiar with the platform. This shift frees program managers to focus on more strategic aspects of the program instead of admin tasks.

HUB’s Internship Program Post-Centralization

Moving to centralized communication made a considerable impact:

These numbers highlight how centralizing communication improved both the intern experience and the program’s efficiency.

The Challenges of Transitioning

No transition is without its bumps. HUB faced initial challenges in moving to a centralized model, particularly around getting everyone on board and adjusting to the new platform. Some local office managers used to have more autonomy and had to adapt to a more unified way of working. It also took time for program managers to learn how to make the most of Abode’s features.

However, the challenges were short-lived. The benefits quickly outweighed the initial struggles, and the shift to Abode has positioned HUB’s internship program for long-term success. As Robin Winer said, “Abode made it so everything was under one umbrella, and every candidate had the same messaging.”

What Other Organizations Can Learn

For companies considering whether to centralize their communication, HUB’s experience offers valuable insights:

1. Centralized systems drive consistency

Using one platform for all communication eliminates the inconsistencies that can arise when relying on multiple tools. HUB’s 100% adoption rate proves that a centralized system works and makes life easier for interns and managers.

2. Community engagement is key

The forum feature on Abode helped to build a sense of belonging among interns. Creating a dedicated space for interns to interact helps them feel more connected, even when working in different locations. With 96% of interns actively using the forum, HUB experienced the full impact of this kind of engagement.

3. Save time and improve efficiency

The centralized system also helped HUB streamline task management and communication, saving time for program managers and reducing confusion for interns. While transitioning to a new system can take time, the long-term savings in effort and increased efficiency make it worth the investment.

What’s the Best Fit for Your Company?

Deciding between centralized and decentralized communication depends on your organization’s needs. A centralized platform like Abode can benefit large companies or programs—especially those spread across multiple locations.

HUB International’s experience shows that moving to a centralized communication system brings clarity, boosts engagement, and saves time. If your company faces similar challenges, it might be time to consider switching.

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