How to Create a Welcoming Environment for New Hires
Recruiting • August 13, 2024

Starting a new job can feel daunting. It's an exciting time, but it's also filled with uncertainty and anxiety for many early-career hires. They're eager to make a good impression but also nervous about fitting in, finding their way around, and understanding their new responsibilities.

Unfortunately, many companies don't fully recognize how critical the onboarding process is in shaping these initial experiences. As a result, new hires often feel disconnected and overwhelmed, leading to disengagement and, in some cases, early turnover.

So, how can companies ensure their new hires feel welcomed, supported, and ready to make a difference?

In this guide, we'll explore practical ways to enhance your onboarding process and show you how Abode's Community features can help you build a robust and engaged team right from the start.

Build Connections Before Day One

Creating a welcoming environment starts long before the new hire's first day. It begins the moment they accept your offer. Waiting until their start date is a missed opportunity. As Ben Siegel, Co-founder and CEO at Abode, notes, "Creating a sense of belonging, especially for early-career hires, starts well before the first day. Companies should be building a community and connections the moment someone signs an offer."

Early engagement can take many forms. You might start by introducing new hires to their future colleagues through virtual meet-and-greets or by inviting them to join a company-wide chat group to ask questions and meet the team. The goal is to make them a part of the community so they're not walking into a room full of strangers on their first day. This can significantly affect how they perceive their new role and workplace.

For example, a tech startup might use Abode's platform to create a pre-boarding community where new hires access welcome videos, participate in discussions, and build peer relationships. This way, when they finally walk through the doors (or log in for their first remote day), they're familiar with the team and the company culture.

Establish Mentorship and Buddy Systems

One of the most effective ways to make new hires feel welcome is by pairing them with a mentor or a buddy. These roles serve different but complementary purposes in helping early-career hires navigate their new environment. Ben emphasizes, "Mentorship and buddies are crucial to creating a welcoming environment and helping interns and early-career hires feel comfortable and confident in their new role."

Buddies are vital for day-to-day questions—like where to find the best coffee, how to navigate internal systems, or even where the nearest restroom is. They're the friendly face that helps new hires feel at home and supported as they acclimate. Buddies can also introduce new hires to key stakeholders, helping them build a network more quickly.

Mentors, on the other hand, play a more strategic role. They help new hires understand the bigger picture, including how they can grow and succeed within the organization. Mentors help navigate the company's career path and offer advice on achieving long-term goals. This dual approach ensures that new hires feel supported not just in their immediate tasks but also in their career growth.

Use Technology for Onboarding

Technology is essential for effective onboarding. The right tools differentiate between a cumbersome and a smooth, engaging, and enjoyable onboarding experience.

Consider the impact of a tech-enabled onboarding process versus a traditional one. In a conventional setting, new hires might spend their first day filling out paperwork, reading policy manuals, and sitting through dry orientation sessions. This can be overwhelming and disengaging, leaving them feeling more like they're jumping through hoops than being welcomed into a new community.

However, the process becomes much more dynamic with Abode's Community features. Instead of cramming all the necessary information into one overwhelming day, you can spread it over the first few weeks, allowing new hires to digest it at their own pace. This is more manageable, helps retain more information, and builds confidence in the new role.

For example, a financial services firm might use Abode to provide new hires with interactive modules covering everything from company policies to role-specific training. New hires can complete these modules at their own pace, with opportunities for discussion and feedback. This approach ensures that new hires are informed, engaged, and connected to the company.

Address Common Onboarding Challenges

Even with the best intentions, many companies still struggle with onboarding. According to recent data, 47% of companies face challenges with onboarding due to infrastructure access issues, and 58% admit that their process is too focused on paperwork and procedures. These problems can leave new hires feeling overwhelmed and disconnected, which is the last thing you want during this critical time.

One of the biggest problems is information overload. It's common for new hires to be bombarded with information on their first day—everything from company policies to job-specific training. This usually leads to confusion, stress, and even burnout before they can settle in.

Abode's platform helps by pacing the delivery of this information so it's easier for new hires to digest. For example, instead of handing them a massive employee handbook to read through on day one, you can break it down into smaller, more manageable sections that they can review over their first week or two. This approach makes the information easier to absorb and allows new hires to ask clarifying questions, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings.

The physical environment can also contribute to feelings of overwhelm. Finding their way around a new office can be daunting for many new hires. Where are the meeting rooms? Who do I go to for help with IT? Where's the best place to grab lunch? These are all questions that can add to a new hire's anxiety.

This is where having a buddy can be invaluable. By pairing new hires with someone who knows the ropes, you can help them feel more comfortable and confident as they navigate their new surroundings. A buddy can give them a tour of the office, introduce them to key people, and even show them the best places to eat. This support makes a big difference in helping new hires feel at home.

Managers’s Crucial Role in Onboarding

Managers are pivotal in shaping a new hire's experience, especially on their first day. Their involvement can set the tone for onboarding and significantly impact the new employee's perception of the company. When managers are actively engaged, new hires feel valued, supported, and more confident in succeeding. The presence of managers on a new hire's first day is crucial for several reasons.

First, it establishes a welcoming environment. A warm greeting from management can make new employees feel appreciated, which is essential for their emotional comfort and confidence.Second, managers can help reduce feelings of insignificance. New hires often feel overwhelmed and uncertain on their first day, and the absence of a manager can exacerbate these feelings. When managers are present and involved, new hires feel more connected to the team and the organization.

Managers also provide critical guidance and support during the early stages of onboarding. Managers can help new hires navigate their initial tasks and responsibilities, ensuring they have the resources to succeed. This hands-on support can make a big difference in how quickly new hires build confidence in their new role.

In addition, managers can facilitate team integration by introducing new hires to their colleagues and key personnel. This social integration is vital for belonging and teamwork, enhancing job satisfaction and retention. Managers can also set expectations and communicate the company's culture and values, helping new hires understand their role within the broader organization.

Building a Community

A successful onboarding process doesn't just focus on the first day or week—it's about building a lasting community that supports new hires throughout their journey with your company. As Ben points out, "So much about work is the people you're doing it with, so the stronger your community, the more success you'll have in retaining early-career employees."

Abode's Community features help you create this sense of belonging. By providing a platform where new hires can interact, share experiences, and support each other, you're not just onboarding employees—you're building a team. A sense of community is vital for early-career hires who may be entering the workforce for the first time and need extra support as they navigate their new roles.

For example, a healthcare organization might use Abode to create a dedicated community for new nurses. It could include forums for discussing common challenges, continuing education resources, mentorship, and peer support opportunities.

Building these connections, the organization helps new hires feel more confident and supported and creates an engaged workforce that is more likely to stay with the company long-term.


Onboarding can have a lasting impact on your company's success. By focusing on connection, support, and technology, you can transform your onboarding process into a powerful tool for retaining top talent and driving long-term success.

Abode's Community features offer a solution to many companies' challenges in onboarding early-career hires. With the right approach, you can create an environment where new hires feel welcome, supported, and ready to contribute.

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