How to Turn Former Interns Into Loyal Brand Advocates
Internships • September 24, 2024

It’s wise to keep your former interns connected and excited about your company even after they’ve wrapped up their internships. You’ve already invested time, money, and resources into giving them a rockstar experience—so how do you keep that momentum going?

Let’s explore real-world strategies to convert former interns into brand advocates.

Why Keeping Former Interns Engaged is Vital

If you’ve ever run an internship program, you know the effort that goes into ensuring it’s a success. But what happens at the end? Companies often let interns drift away, thinking their job is done. But those interns—now your alumni—represent a goldmine of future hires, brand ambassadors, and potential clients. And there’s a real payoff to keeping them engaged.

According to a 2019 National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Survey, 71.4% of interns with internal experience stay at least a year, compared to 59% of those who interned elsewhere. That means interns who have already experienced your company culture are likelier to stick around. Additionally, this also reduces your recruitment costs.

So, how do you keep them engaged and excited about your company?

Parker Pell, co-founder of Abode, and Ashley Silva, head of the early-career team at Global Atlantic Financial Group, recently discussed engaging former interns. They shared some insights that any HR or early-career manager would find valuable.

Gen Z Wants More Than a Job—They Want Relationships

One of Parker’s biggest points was that Gen Z, which makes up most of today’s interns, isn’t just looking for a paycheck. They want relationships—with their peers, mentors, and future teammates. In fact, 70% of Gen Z interns say they want to build strong connections at work, and 94% want to stay in touch with a manager or mentor before starting their first day as a full-time employee.

Parker explained how keeping those relationships alive after the internship can determine whether those former interns stick around. “I’m the oldest Gen Z,” he joked. “And what keeps us excited and connected is our personal bond with our peers and mentors.”

For companies, keeping the lines of communication open after the internship is non-negotiable if you want to turn your former interns into future employees—or, better yet, brand ambassadors.

Let’s explore how you can make that happen with some practical strategies.

Global Atlantic’s Proven Formula for Engaging Alumni

Ashley Silva, who leads the Global Atlantic Financial Group’s early-career program, shared some strategies to keep their intern alumni engaged. With 65 interns each summer and a big focus on converting them to full-time hires, Global Atlantic takes alumni engagement seriously.

Here’s how they do it:

1. Stay in Touch with Monthly Newsletters

A monthly newsletter is one of the simplest but most effective ways to keep in touch with former interns. At Global Atlantic, Ashley’s team sends regular newsletters with company updates, critical timelines, and relevant information.

The goal was to keep those former interns informed and excited about what’s happening at Global Atlantic, even if they’re still in school or pursuing other opportunities. “It’s not just about blasting them with news,” Ashley explained. “It’s about showing them they’re still part of the family, even if they’re not physically here.”

2. Swag Boxes to Keep the Excitement

Who doesn’t love free stuff? One of the more creative ways Global Atlantic keeps its former interns engaged is by sending swag boxes during finals week. These boxes are filled with company-branded items and a note of encouragement for their alumni as they prepare for exams. It’s a small but meaningful gesture showing how much Global Atlantic cares about their success—inside and outside the office.

“This goes a long way,” said Ashley. “When we send those boxes during finals, we’re not just saying ‘good luck’—we’re reminding them that we’re rooting for them.”

3. Engagement Sessions Featuring Industry Leaders

Another standout feature of Global Atlantic’s alumni engagement strategy is its optional engagement sessions. Starting in the spring, Global Atlantic invites alumni to virtual events where industry leaders and company veterans share their career stories or offer advice.

These personal, interactive sessions provide real value to interns. “It’s about keeping them connected with our culture and helping them grow professionally,” Ashley shared. Topics range from wealth management and career development to personal stories from industry leaders.

4. Mentorship Programs Beyond the Internship

Mentorship is a huge part of keeping former interns engaged. Global Atlantic has a one-year mentorship program for intern alumni who’ve accepted full-time offers. It gives alumni a go-to person to connect with before starting full-time and during their first year.

“Some meet every month, others every two weeks—it’s flexible,” Ashley explained. “But the key is that the intern feels supported as they make the transition from student to full-time employee.”

Small Efforts Lead to Big Wins

If you think alumni engagement is only for big companies with huge budgets, think again. You don’t need an elaborate plan to keep your former interns engaged—small, consistent actions can have a massive impact. And it doesn’t require a huge team, either. As Ashley noted, her team at Global Atlantic is small. But they’ve found ways to engage their alumni even with limited resources.

Here’s an easy win – invite former interns to join your team at on-campus career fairs. It’s a fantastic opportunity for them to feel involved and for future interns to hear from someone who’s been through the program. Plus, 68% of Gen Z interns say they want to attend events hosted by their employer after the internship.Global Atlantic has had great success with this.

Recently, they invited one of their interns who had accepted a full-time offer to help at their career fair booth at Penn. The alumni shared their experiences, and prospective interns could hear first-hand what it’s like to work at Global Atlantic.

It’s these small, consistent touches that make a huge difference.

The Real Cost of Ignoring Your Alumni

While focusing on the next batch of interns is easy, ignoring your alumni could cost you. When you fail to keep in touch, you’re opening the door for other companies to swoop in and poach your former interns. And honestly, once they’re back on campus, they’re being approached by other recruiters. If you’re not keeping in touch, there’s a chance they’ll start looking elsewhere.

Parker added, “Reneges happen more often when companies fail to engage their alumni. Just because they accepted your offer doesn’t mean they won’t change their mind if someone else is paying more attention to them.”

And it’s not just about losing a hire. If your alumni feel like they’ve been left in the dark, they might start sharing their experiences with others. In today’s hyper-connected world, where students are constantly talking to each other, word travels fast. Lack of communication could hurt your company’s brand reputation on campus.

Abode: Personalization Without the Stress

One of the biggest challenges for companies trying to keep in touch with their alumni is making communication personal without feeling like a massive lift. Parker shared how Abode helps companies personalize their engagement strategies without overwhelming their teams.

With features like customized calendars, event templates, and automatic communication, companies can keep track of alumni while delivering the personalized experience Gen Z craves.

“There’s an expectation from early talent in terms of personalization,” Parker explained. “Our goal with Abode is to make it easy for companies to stay connected and make those alumni feel valued without adding extra stress to the team.”

Quick Wins to Start Engaging Your Intern Alumni

Here are some easy, actionable steps you can take right now to keep your alumni engaged:

  1. Reach out: If you’re heading to campus for a career fair, take a moment to let your alumni know you’ll be there. Invite them to stop by your booth or join you for dinner afterward. It’s a small gesture, but it can go a long way in keeping them connected.
  2. Set a communication calendar: Don’t let months go by without contact. Set up a simple calendar to ensure you’re touching base regularly—whether through a quick email, a newsletter, or an invite to an event.
  3. Host virtual events: It doesn’t take much to organize a virtual event where alumni can interact with leaders or mentors. It’s a low-lift way to engage and give them a sense of continued community.
  4. Send a gift: A swag box, a note of encouragement—something simple to let your alumni know you’re thinking of them during finals or before graduation.
  5. Offer mentorship: If you can, pair them with a mentor. Having someone they can check in with before they start full-time is invaluable and keeps that connection alive.

Keeping Alumni Engaged is a Long-Term Win

Beyond filling your talent pipeline, turning your former interns into loyal brand advocates creates lasting relationships that benefit your company for years. Personalized communication, mentorship, and other simple gestures show your alumni that you care.

As Parker Pell and Ashley Silva highlighted, investing in alumni engagement pays off in higher retention rates, lower recruitment costs, and a stronger company brand. So, start small if you need to, but keep the connection going.

Because the interns who walked out the door at the end of the summer could be the leaders of your company tomorrow.

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