Meeting Gen Z's Needs in the Early-Career Hiring Process
Generation Z • August 8, 2024

Gen Z is entering the workforce with different expectations, and companies must adapt to attract and keep them. Gen Z isn't just looking for a job—they want respect, clear communication, and a sense of belonging from the start. However, they face unique challenges, from negative stereotypes to a shaky job market.This article will explain what makes Gen Z unique, its challenges, and how Abode meets their needs to help companies build strong, engaged teams.

What Gen Z Wants

Gen Zers aren't like previous generations. While they value good pay and benefits, they want more. As Ben Siegel, Abode's CEO, says, "Gen Z values respect, connections, transparency, and clear expectations." Frequent communication is crucial for them—80% of Gen Z want to hear from their employer at least once a month between accepting an offer and their first day.

They're also big on building relationships before starting. According to Abode's research, 70% want to connect with peers and future teammates early. But it's not all smooth sailing for Gen Z.

Negative stereotypes persist, and 45% of hiring managers find Gen Z difficult to manage. Often misunderstood, Gen Zers bring a strong sense of purpose and a desire to make an impact. Companies that fail to adapt to these intricacies risk losing motivated, innovative people.

Understanding Gen Z's Work Preferences and Challenges

Recent research shows that Gen Z prioritizes flexibility, transparency, and a sense of community. Growing up with the internet, they expect easy access to information and regular updates. This generation is likelier to stick around if a company offers continuous learning opportunities and clear career advancement paths.

However, Gen Z is navigating a challenging job market. The ongoing "vibecession," marked by economic uncertainty and a demanding hiring environment, has left many Gen Z graduates anxious about the future. Confidence in finding jobs is low, with fewer entry-level workers feeling optimistic compared to previous years.

Additionally, the skills gap is a growing concern, with many Gen Z workers lacking the technical skills that are increasingly in demand, such as machine learning and data structuring.

Despite these hurdles, Gen Z is clear about what they want from their careers. A significant 74% are willing to change jobs for better work-life balance, reflecting their desire for a workplace that respects their time and well-being. But the reality is that many workplaces still need to catch up, leaving Gen Z feeling disconnected, especially with remote work reducing face-to-face interactions.

Why Traditional Methods Aren't Enough

Many companies still use outdated methods that don't provide the level of engagement or transparency Gen Z expects, leading to higher turnover and difficulty attracting top talent. The gap between Gen Z's "anywhere, anytime" mindset and the rigid structures of traditional workplaces only worsens this disconnect.

A common mistake is focusing only on job postings and overlooking the potential of social media. Ben points out, "Social media is a great way to build community and showcase a company's personality." Ignoring these platforms means missing out on a chance to connect more meaningfully with potential hires.

One of the biggest factors in retaining Gen Z talent is company culture. Ben explains, "Company culture is massive for Gen Z—it's about feeling safe to take risks, having supportive teams, and knowing there's a strong sense of community." Gen Z isn't just looking for a job; they're seeking a workplace where they can grow, feel supported, and be part of something bigger.

How Abode Bridges the Gap

Abode is designed with Gen Z in mind, helping companies meet their expectations and build engaged, motivated teams. Abode's Programs and Cohorts feature lets companies personalize communication and tasks based on role, location, team, start date, and more. This ensures that new hires get the information they need from the moment they accept the offer.

Abode also offers community tools that help new hires, interns, and existing employees connect, stimulating the sense of belonging that Gen Z values so much. Automated newsletters, event RSVPs, and features like mentor matchmaking make onboarding personal and engaging.

The Benefits of Meeting Gen Z's Needs

Meeting Gen Z's expectations isn't just about staying relevant. It's about seeing real, measurable benefits in your hiring and retention strategies. A great example is UHY, a leading professional services firm that turned to Abode to tackle challenges in its early-career hiring programs.

Before using Abode, UHY struggled with high renege rates—16% among interns and 12.5% for full-time hires—costing them over $100,000 annually.

They needed a solution that would help them engage candidates more effectively and reduce these costly reneges.

By leveraging Abode's platform, UHY saw an 81% decrease in renege rates, translating to $82,000 in savings. They also achieved a 99% candidate adoption rate on the platform, with 90% of candidates completing all tasks assigned to them.

Engagement levels increased, too, with an 83.1% engagement rate compared to just 21.3% via traditional email communication. This success wasn't just about numbers but about creating a better candidate experience.

Abode's platform allowed UHY to automate over 1,700 touchpoints with candidates, ensuring consistent, personalized communication throughout the hiring process. Candidates appreciated the streamlined experience, with 52% actively participating in the platform's forums, far exceeding the engagement seen in LinkedIn groups.

UHY's experience shows that when you meet Gen Z's needs, you can attract great talent and keep it. The results speak for themselves: lower renege rates, higher engagement, and significant cost savings. This is the impact Abode can have on any company looking to build a robust and engaged workforce.


Companies must understand what emerging professionals and Gen Z value and adapt their hiring accordingly. Abode makes that transition smoother by offering tools and features that align perfectly with Gen Z's needs.

It's time to rethink your early-career hiring. Go beyond merely filling positions to building a future with engaged, satisfied employees.

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