The Power of Preboarding: A Complete Guide for HR Managers
Onboarding • January 2, 2024

As an HR or recruiting manager, you are well aware of the importance of employee onboarding. But have you ever considered the benefits of preboarding? Preboarding is a proactive approach to the onboarding process that begins before a new hire's first day. It involves engaging with new hires and preparing them for their role, ensuring a smooth transition and setting the foundation for a successful employee experience. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the concept of preboarding, its benefits, and provide practical tips on how to implement an effective preboarding program.

What is Preboarding?

Preboarding is the process of engaging new hires before their official start date. It is the bridge between the recruitment phase and the actual onboarding process. While onboarding focuses on introducing new employees to the company and their role after they start, preboarding occurs during the period between accepting the job offer and the first day of work. This period can range from a few days to a month, depending on the organization.

During preboarding, HR managers and recruiters can take several steps to ensure a smooth transition for new hires. This includes paperwork completion, providing company information, introducing new hires to the team, assigning a mentor, outlining expectations and goals, facilitating IT setup, and offering training materials. By engaging new hires during this crucial period, companies can set a positive tone, build excitement, and lay the foundation for a successful onboarding experience.

The Benefits of Preboarding

Implementing a robust preboarding program offers numerous benefits for both the organization and new hires. Let's explore some of the key advantages:

1. Improved Employee Engagement and Retention

Engagement is crucial for employee satisfaction and retention. By starting the engagement process before the first day, preboarding allows new hires to feel connected to the organization from the start. It sets a positive tone and fosters a sense of belonging, which can lead to higher job satisfaction and longer-term commitment to the company. According to studies, engaged employees are 40% less likely to make mistakes and contribute to a 21% increase in overall organizational profit.

2. Enhanced Onboarding Experience

The first few weeks of employment are critical for new hires to form an opinion about the company. Preboarding provides an opportunity to make a positive impression and create excitement before the official onboarding begins. By providing comprehensive company information, introducing new hires to their team, and outlining expectations, organizations can ensure a smooth onboarding experience and minimize any first-day jitters.

3. Accelerated Time-to-Productivity

Preboarding allows new hires to complete paperwork, IT setup, and training materials before their first day, enabling them to hit the ground running. By eliminating administrative tasks and providing resources in advance, organizations can expedite the onboarding process and help new hires become productive more quickly. This not only saves time and resources but also boosts overall organizational productivity.

4. Stronger Relationships and Communication

Preboarding facilitates early relationship-building between new hires and the company. By introducing new hires to their future colleagues, assigning mentors, and encouraging communication, organizations can establish open lines of communication and build trust. This foundation of positive relationships can contribute to a more collaborative and supportive work environment.

Best Practices for Preboarding

Now that we understand the importance and benefits of preboarding, let's delve into some best practices for implementing an effective preboarding program. These practices will help HR managers and recruiters ensure a seamless transition for new hires and set them up for success from day one.

1. Reinforce Your Employee Value Proposition

During preboarding, it's essential to reinforce your employee value proposition. Remind new hires of why they chose your organization and what makes it unique. Share company values, culture, and mission statements to help familiarize them with the organization's identity. This can be done through welcome emails, personalized videos, or informative resources that showcase the company's culture and values.

2. Personalize the Pre- and Onboarding Systems

Every new hire is unique, and their pre- and onboarding experiences should reflect that. Take the time to understand their individual needs and tailor the process accordingly. Encourage future teammates and managers to send personalized welcome emails, and consider scheduling virtual meet-and-greets or office tours. By personalizing the experience, you demonstrate your commitment to each new hire's success and make them feel valued from the start.

3. Streamline Administrative Tasks

Administrative tasks can be time-consuming and overwhelming for new hires. Streamline the process by providing essential paperwork, such as tax forms and policy acknowledgments, in advance. Utilize e-signature services or onboarding software to simplify the completion and submission of documents. This not only saves time but also reduces stress for new hires, allowing them to focus on more important aspects of their onboarding experience.

4. Provide Clear Guidelines for the First Day

To alleviate any anxiety or uncertainty, provide new hires with clear instructions for their first day. Inform them of the specific time, location, dress code, and parking arrangements. Share details about the onboarding schedule, including any training sessions or orientation activities. By providing clear guidelines, you help new hires feel prepared and ensure a smooth start to their employment.

5. Foster Relationships and Communication

One of the primary goals of preboarding is to facilitate early relationship-building. Introduce new hires to their future teammates and encourage communication before their first day. Consider organizing virtual meet-and-greet sessions or inviting new hires to company events or social activities. These interactions help new hires feel welcomed, supported, and connected to the organization from the beginning.

6. Facilitate IT Setup and Training

Coordinate with your IT department to ensure new hires have the necessary tools, access, and equipment set up before their first day. This includes providing them with company email addresses, login credentials, and any software or systems they will need to perform their job. Additionally, offer training materials or access to online resources that familiarize new hires with key processes, procedures, and company-specific tools.

7. Measure and Improve the Preboarding Experience

Continuous improvement is essential for the success of any process, including preboarding. Gather feedback from new hires about their preboarding experience and use it to identify areas for improvement. Monitor metrics such as retention rates, time-to-productivity, and employee satisfaction to assess the effectiveness of your preboarding program. Regularly evaluate and make necessary adjustments to ensure your program remains responsive to the changing needs of your organization.

Including Preboarding in Your HR Strategy

Preboarding should be an integral part of your HR strategy, regardless of your organization's size or industry. It is a proactive approach to engaging new hires and setting them up for success. Incorporate preboarding into the following scenarios:

1. New Hires

Preboarding is crucial for every new employee, regardless of their position or experience level. By engaging them before their first day, you can establish a positive and supportive environment from the beginning.

2. Internal Transfers

When an employee transitions to a new department or role within the company, preboarding can ease the shift. It helps familiarize the employee with their new team and responsibilities, ensuring a smooth transition.

3. Reboarding

For employees returning from an extended leave of absence or rejoining after a temporary departure, preboarding practices can help them reintegrate into the company and feel supported during their transition.

4. Seasonal or Temporary Hires

Even short-term hires can benefit from preboarding. By providing them with essential information and resources in advance, you can enhance their productivity and engagement during their limited time with the organization.

By incorporating preboarding into your HR strategy, you demonstrate your commitment to new hires' success and create a positive and engaging employee experience from the start.


Preboarding is a powerful tool for HR managers and recruiters to ensure a smooth and successful onboarding experience for new hires. By engaging new employees before their first day, organizations can drive employee engagement, improve retention rates, accelerate time-to-productivity, and foster strong relationships. Implementing best practices, such as reinforcing the employee value proposition, personalizing the pre- and onboarding systems, streamlining administrative tasks, and facilitating communication, will contribute to a seamless preboarding experience.

Remember, preboarding is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Tailor your preboarding program to meet the unique needs of your organization and new hires. Continuously evaluate and improve your preboarding process to ensure it remains effective and responsive to the evolving needs of your organization.

By investing in preboarding, you set the stage for a positive and engaging employee experience that will benefit both your organization and its new hires in the long run.

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of preboarding, it's time to implement an effective preboarding program and reap the benefits it offers.

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