Understanding the ROI of Centralizing Early-Career Hiring
Operations & HR • September 12, 2024

Many organizations juggle multiple tools and platforms when hiring early-career talent. This can confuse the recruitment and onboarding process for both the HR team and new hires.

Centralizing these efforts can make the process and experience smoother and more efficient. Let’s explore why centralizing early-career talent acquisition is the way to go and how it can benefit your organization.

The Challenges of Traditional Early-Career Hiring

Hiring young professionals is challenging as it is. However, attracting and retaining top talent becomes even more complicated when the process is scattered across different platforms. Let’s explore some of the downsides.

Information Overload

New hires often face a flood of information on their first day, from company policies to role expectations. This can be overwhelming, leading to confusion and even early departures.

Scattered communication

Important details can easily slip through the cracks when communication is spread across emails, LinkedIn groups, and various other platforms. Many new hires don’t know where to find the information they need, leading to frustration.

High Turnover

Many organizations face high turnover, especially among early-career employees. Without a solid onboarding process, new hires can quickly become disengaged. Statistics show that one in three new hires leaves within the first 90 days, highlighting the need for a better approach.

The Benefits of Centralizing Early-Career Talent Acquisition

Centralizing your early-career hiring process can address these challenges and bring many advantages that improve the overall experience. Here are five key benefits.

1. Better Retention

Consolidating your hiring process makes it easier for new hires to find the information they need, which can help reduce the overwhelming feeling of starting a new job.

As Ben Siegel, Co-Founder and CEO of Abode, puts it, “With Abode, everything is in one place... This eases anxiety because whenever there is a question, you know where to go to find the answer.” By reducing confusion, you increase the chances that new hires will stay longer with the company.

2. Enhanced Candidate Experience

A centralized platform offers a more cohesive experience for candidates. Instead of jumping between tools and platforms, everything they need is in one place. This makes their onboarding smoother and leaves a positive first impression. A better onboarding experience can lead to higher engagement and satisfaction, which is crucial for long-term retention.

3. Stronger Employer Brand

A well-organized hiring process reflects positively on your company’s brand, especially among Gen Zers. When candidates have a positive experience, they’re more likely to share that with others in person and on social media. According to Siegel, “Word spreads like wildfire on college campuses,” and this organic promotion can help attract more top talent.

4. Cost Savings

Centralizing your hiring efforts can also save money by reducing the time and resources spent managing multiple platforms. Additionally, by improving retention rates, you save on the costs associated with turnover, which can be significant.

5. Easier Onboarding

A centralized platform simplifies the onboarding process. New hires know exactly where to go for tasks, documents, and information. This clarity helps them get up to speed faster and gives them confidence in their new role. As Siegel notes, “Having everything from a preboarding perspective in one platform makes it really clear what you need to do and where you need to go.” This structure makes onboarding smoother for both the new hire and the company.

Overcoming Challenges in Centralizing Early-Career Talent Acquisition

Transitioning to a centralized system isn’t without challenges, but careful planning can overcome them. Here are the strategies:

Change Management

Changing how you manage early-career hiring can be difficult, especially in large organizations. Communication is important. Ensure your team understands the new system’s benefits and how it will make their jobs easier. As Siegel advises, “People are willing to change if they see the personal value in doing so.”

Internal Buy-In

To successfully centralize your talent acquisition, you need buy-in from all levels. Highlight the time savings, increased efficiency, and better candidate experience with a centralized system. Employees who see how it benefits them are more likely to support the change.

Measuring the ROI of Centralizing Early-Career Talent Acquisition

Once you’ve centralized your early-career hiring process, measuring its effectiveness is essential. Two key metrics to track are retention rates and Net Promoter Score (NPS).

  1. Retention rates track how long new hires stay with the company after implementing the centralized system. Improved retention rates are a clear indicator that your process is working. Centralized systems help keep new hires engaged and supported, reducing the likelihood of early departures.
  2. Net promoter score (NPS) measures how likely your employees are to recommend your company to others. A higher NPS indicates that your employees are satisfied with their experience, which can lead to positive word-of-mouth and a stronger employer brand. Siegel points out that “great experiences lead to increased NPS,” which helps attract more top talent.


Centralizing your early-career talent acquisition process offers clear benefits. From improving retention and enhancing the candidate experience to saving costs and strengthening your employer brand, a centralized approach streamlines hiring and onboarding.

As organizations compete for top young talent, a streamlined, efficient system is a key advantage.

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