What’s New at Abode: Fresh Features to Make Hiring Easier
Product Launch • August 27, 2024

Abode's latest updates are here. They aim to make your workday smoother. We've introduced Quizzes, Yearbooks, and Matching!

These new features are designed to enhance how you hire and onboard early-career talent. They help you make learning more interactive, showcase your top interns, or pair new hires with the right mentor so you can give your fresh employees the best start possible.

Here are some of the features and their benefits.

Quizzes: Insights and Interaction

You can learn only so much about a role from its job description. However, our new Quizzes feature enables job simulations that allow people to see what a day on the job would look and feel like during the interview process. This informs candidates and keeps them engaged, helping them decide if this is the right fit earlier in the process.

Moreover, you can make learning more engaging for your new hires. Instead of just sending them a video or a document, you can now include quiz questions to keep them on their toes. This is a great way to ensure they actually retain the information. You can also use quizzes during the interview stage to give candidates a real taste of the job.

Yearbooks: Showcase and Prep Your Talent

Yearbooks are perfect for showing off your interns or preparing for big interview days.

Here's how you can use them:

  1. Show off your interns: Let your team and leaders see who's who, especially if you have many interns across different offices.
  2. Prepare for hiring decisions: Create a resume book for interns with full-time offers. It will make decision-making smoother.
  3. Prep for interviews: If you're hosting big interview days, Yearbooks help interviewers get a quick overview of who they're meeting.

Matching: Find the Perfect Fit

Our Matching feature ensures your new hires feel at home. Whether pairing them with a mentor or buddy or placing them on the right team during a rotational program, Matching helps you make the best connections.

Here's how to use Matching:

  1. Set up mentors or buddies: Pair new hires with someone who's been around the block. It's a simple way to help them get settled.
  2. Team matching: During leadership programs, use Matching to place new hires where they'll learn the most and contribute immediately.

Why These Features?

These features make your work easier and help your new hires start strongly. By using Quizzes, Yearbooks, and Matching, you're setting your team up for success from day one.

As Ben Siegel, our co-founder, says: "These features continue to solve core problems that early-career teams face that are just being overlooked by the more generic HR tech platforms."

In other words, we're here to help you focus on what you do best while we do the rest. If you're already using Abode, you can explore these features today. If not, now's a great time to see how Abode can make your hiring smoother and more effective. Let's make onboarding easier together.

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