Abode's Crucial Role in Danaher’s Early ID Programs: Danaher JUMP and Internship Funnels
Insights From
Norman Jones
Director, Global University Recruitment
Early Career Programs
Danaher's Early Career Programs encompass internships and an early identification pipeline program called JUMP for freshmen and sophomores.
Hiring Goals & Location
Internships take place across Danaher’s 17 companies in North America, EMEA and UK with 48 sitting in the United States and 300+ sitting in EMEA. The 2024 Danaher JUMP program cohort had 24 students (remote).
Abode Features Utilized
Communication capabilities, Events, Forums, Mentorship Coordination, and Task Management
Key Metrics and Impact Highlights
candidate adoption rate
candidates using the Abode Forum
Danaher Uses Abode for Year-Round JUMP Program
The Need for Abode
Danaher's creation of their early identification program, JUMP, designed for freshmen and sophomores, brought forth the critical necessity for a centralized platform that could sustain engagement and house important information not only for the program duration, but also post-program for future internship roles. The prolonged engagement required for this specific group of students demanded more than sporadic emails. The Danaher recruiting team sought a comprehensive solution that would consolidate all communications and program elements into one accessible space, ensuring a seamless candidate experience while nurturing this specific talent pipeline.

This need for cohesion and efficiency led to the exploration of Abode as the potential solution.
“Abode played a huge part in the success of our first early identification cohort. Having the ability to send communications to the participants, share documents and videos about our organization, and build community between the students via the message board made the program a success.”
Norman Jones
Director, Global University Recruitment
The Challenge Before Abode
Before integrating Abode, communications surrounding the program and necessary information at Danaher was scattered. This decentralized approach posed significant challenges for recruiters and managers, who struggled to ensure the interns and JUMP program participants completed all necessary tasks and to-dos in a timely manner.

The lack of centralized communication channels resulted in some inconsistencies in follow-up and task tracking among JUMP participants and interns. Moreover, recruiters faced an abundance of one-off questions and comments, necessitating swift responses in real-time. These one-off communications, spread across various platforms, made it difficult to ensure all critical information reached the intended recipients promptly with no program details missed, and consumed the team’s valuable time.

These challenges created the pressing need for a centralized platform like Abode to streamline communication and program management efficiently across all Danaher's early career programs.
Why Abode Was Chosen
Recognizing the need for a centralized platform, Danaher turned to Abode to streamline their program management needs for both the JUMP and internship programs. Abode's suite of features, including in-platform emails, to-do lists, candidate tracking, and engagement tools, offered a comprehensive solution for Danaher’s recruiting team. By consolidating all program-related activities and resources in one place, Abode eliminated the inefficiencies of using multiple tools and the inconsistencies of communications and events happening outside of the system.

This decision resulted in improved efficiency, better communication, and a more engaging experience for program participants. The adoption of Abode marked a significant shift towards a more streamlined and effective program management approach for Danaher.
“Abode has become an invaluable platform for my University Recruitment team here at Danaher. Understanding the significance of engaging with students post-offer acceptance to mitigate the risk of reneges, we realized needed a cohesive communication strategy to stay connected with our incoming hires outside of Outlook. That’s where Abode comes in!”
Norman Jones
Director, Global University Recruitment
Positive Impact and Results
Since adopting Abode for their Early ID JUMP and internship programs, Danaher has witnessed a positive impact and numerous improvements in their program management, including:

Internal emails, checklists, the resource hub and the Community has streamlined communication channels and centralized information, leading to more efficient program management and a smoother workflow.

With Abode, Danaher no longer experiences gaps in sending out critical information, ensuring that all participants are well-informed, engaged, and ready to go.

Abode acts as the "Connective tissue" for Danaher's program, providing a centralized hub for all program-related activities and resources, resulting in improved program cohesion, interaction, and effectiveness. Students appreciate the centralized nature of Abode, as it allows them to access everything they need in one place, leading to a better overall pre-board and program experience.

The use of Abode's Forum feature has driven high engagement among JUMP participants and Danaher interns, with 64% actively using the platform daily and 98% creating profiles, showcasing strong participant involvement within the platform.
“Abode provides us with an automated solution that not only facilitates communication but also allows us to track engagement. It has become an indispensable tool that we use to maintain a connection with our incoming hires and participants in our early identification program. Looking forward to leveraging the platform this summer to assist with ensuring our interns have an amazing internship experience. I appreciate the partnership and first class customer support that Abode provides me, my team and our 2024 intern class and full-time hires.”
Norman Jones
Director, Global University Recruiting
The Road Ahead with Abode
Looking ahead, Danaher aims to expand its utilization of Abode to further enhance its recruiting programs and initiatives. Future plans include:

1. Continuing Abode's usage across international regions like Latin America and Asia Pacific
to cater to diverse talent pools and grow global early career strategy.

2. Adding the Yearbook and Mentor Matching features on the platform to foster long-term engagement and support amongst managers and employees.

3. Developing a marketing hub within Abode to showcase company updates, newsletters, and spotlights of employees.

4. Implementing features like leaderboards within Abode to track engagement metrics and incentivize active participation.

Danaher's successful integration of Abode for their internship and JUMP program has not only improved operational efficiency and candidate engagement, but also paved the way for future enhancements and growth opportunities within all Danaher early career programs. This strategic utilization of Abode demonstrates its versatility and potential for broader application in talent management and streamlined execution across other Danaher offices and regions.
Candidate Adoption Rate
Percent of Candidates Using the Abode Forum
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