Keeping Candidates Warm and Enhancing the Early-Career Pre-board Experience with Abode
Insights From
Brooke Smith
Talent Acquisition Manager
Korrie Warren
Program Administrator
Intern Program
Hybrid, 1x a week in office
Hiring Goal
150 interns in 2024
Internship Locations
Indianapolis (HQ), Atlanta, Ohio, Virginia, Chicago, and a few locations in California
Abode Features Utilized
Community, Events, Journeys
Key Metrics and Impact Highlights
candidate adoption rate
text and email notifications sent
candidate engagement rate
The Need for Abode
Elevance Health recognized a critical need to streamline their pre-board process and maintain candidate engagement before the start of their summer internship program. The existing method of executing communications was cumbersome and inefficient. The team was sending emails individually, relying heavily on spreadsheets, and despite having a well-defined execution plan, their communications strategy was far from optimal. Manually pulling data and cross-referencing them with internal systems was time consuming.

Managing these pre-board communications was labor-intensive, making it difficult to keep candidates warm and engaged. This inefficiency highlighted the necessity for a more streamlined and automated solution. Implementing Abode in 2021 provided a centralized platform where all communications could be managed seamlessly. This transition significantly reduced the manual workload and the risk of missing emails, saving considerable time and effort. 

With Abode, Elevance Health could ensure consistent messaging and a smoother pre-board process, allowing the team to focus on more strategic tasks and enhance the overall internship program experience with Abode at the front.
“Abode provides a solution that allows us to better connect with Gen Z talent in a way that is engaging to them. It offers a way for Elevance Health to enhance our brand and coin ourselves as an employer of choice for college students and graduates.”
Brooke Smith
Talent Acquisition Manager
The Challenge Before Abode
Elevance Health faced a couple challenges that necessitated the use of the Abode platform for their interns and internal team. Their previous system was a mix of manual processes and excessive email communications, which were not only time-consuming for the recruiters but also ineffective in keeping candidates warm. The team recognized that they needed to switch their management tool in order to reduce the number of reneges.

Additionally, Elevance Health aimed to boost pre-start engagement within their summer intern cohort, and did not know how to build on their pre-existing process. They lacked a centralized platform to engage cross-functionally with interns before the program's start date, across different locations and teams. This gap in their process led to inconsistent messaging and missed opportunities for early engagement, which are crucial for building a strong connection with interns coming on board.

By adopting Abode, Elevance Health sought to streamline their pre-board communications, automate manual tasks, and create a more engaging and cohesive experience for their interns.
Why Abode Was Chosen
To address the challenges of streamlining the pre-board process and keeping candidates warm, Elevance Health decided to implement Abode. They utilized Abode for its comprehensive features to enhance intern engagement and ensure consistent communication.

Within the platform, Elevance Health provided interns with tasks and resources to complete, ensuring the checklist helped to continue engagement up until the program start. The recruiting team regularly checked into the Forum to interact with intern’s messages, encouraging hiring managers to do the same on a monthly basis.

The team made full use of Abode's core features—Community, Events, and Journeys—to maximize engagement. Elevance Health included FAQs, resources, a social media kit, program information, a "meet the team" section, and newsletters. Additionally, they created a separate hiring manager journey that mirrored the interns' communication to ensure alignment and avoid redundancy.

Events hosted on Abode were crucial for early engagement. Elevance Health organized pre-start information sessions to prepare interns for their first day, covering what to expect and how to get set up. This was especially beneficial as interns did not have access to a company email or internal platforms before their start date.

The Community played a significant role in boosting engagement and generating excitement. Interns used it to post about roommates, secure housing, and introduce themselves. Managers also engaged on the platform to stay informed about the communications sent to interns, streamlining their efforts and saving time by reducing the need for spreadsheets and extensive email chains.
“What I love most about Abode is how the platform allows us to stay connected with our interns pre-start. Within the platform, we can engage and keep interns warm by sharing newsletters, surveys, and other resources, which allows interns to be prepared for their day 1.”
Korrie Warren
Program Administrator
Abode Keeps Us on Top of It
The platform allows Elevance Health to reflect on past successes and build upon them, ensuring continuous improvement. An example of this is their annual templates saved for sending future communications.
Abode Serves As Another Team Member
With only four recruiting team members, Elevance Health relies on Abode to handle numerous tasks that were previously handled by the team, effectively acting as an additional team member and making their programming and planning significantly more streamlined and smooth.
Automation of Manual Processes
Abode has automated much of the manual work previously required, significantly reducing the workload and increasing efficiency.
Proven Effectiveness
The platform has proven to be effective in managing and improving the overall internship program.
Ongoing Engagement
Abode has helped Elevance Health maintain continuous engagement with interns through emails and the Forum, fostering a stronger connection before the program starts.
Identifying At-Risk Interns
The platform has been instrumental in identifying interns who are at risk of a renege, allowing for timely interventions and data to back it up.
Positive Impact and Results
The introduction of Abode has profoundly impacted Elevance Health's internship program, transforming their processes and engagement strategies while keeping candidates warm and getting them ready for the summer. The platform has streamlined the team’s operations and improved overall communication with interns, recruiters, and managers.

By implementing Abode, Elevance Health effectively streamlined their pre-board process, automated manual tasks, and created a more engaging and cohesive experience for their interns. This solution significantly improved their ability to keep candidates warm and prepare them for a successful start to the internship program.
“Working with Abode is an easy and seamless experience.”
Brooke Smith
Talent Acquisition Manager
The Road Ahead with Abode
Elevance Health recognizes their pre-board success rate and new hire engagement from using Abode for their internship program and looks forward to expanding its usage in the future. They plan to do this by:

1. Expanding usage outside early-career programs
and administering a keep-warm strategy for all talent across the company.

2. Implementing Abode for the program duration and not just for keeping candidates warm. The team sees value in using Abode throughout the entire program, including in-program events. They are hopeful to integrate Abode's features for in-program activities next year, enhancing engagement and communication during the internship itself.

3. Implementing new features like manager matching and yearbook functionalities to further enrich the program experience.

4. Increasing buy-in from the business by continuing to garner support from different business units. They believe that with increased buy-in, they can fully leverage Abode's capabilities and maximize even greater results.

As Elevance Health continues to grow their program, they remain committed to utilizing Abode to its fullest potential, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience for all their talent.
Candidate Adoption Rate
Text and Email Notifications Sent
Candidate Engagement Rate
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