Engaging Incoming Hires Over 18 Months, Between Offer and Day One
Scale & Locations
Forvis Mazars hires interns and full-time employees across 70 locations, including major cities like Charlotte, NYC, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Indianapolis, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, and California.
Hiring Goals
The internship program hires 400 interns in the spring and 600 in the summer, totaling 1,000 interns annually across audit, tax and consulting business units.
Team Size & Structure
Forvis Mazars's campus recruitment team is made up of 47 recruiters, managers, and coordinators who work within the Abode platform. The team is regionalized, with most recruiters assigned to specific locations and responsible for growing their key areas.
Abode Features Utilized
Forvis Mazars uses Abode for their pre-start needs, with features including Programs/Cohorts, Campaigns, Journeys, and Forums. Abode serves as a resource hub with location-specific content, providing a centralized platform for information, events, and updates. They launched Abode in January 2022 and have grown from an initial contract of 100 candidates to 700 active users in the system.
Key Metrics and Impact Highlights
candidate adoption rate
number of communities in Abode
text and email notifications sent
The Need for Abode
Before integrating Abode into their strategy for keeping hired intern candidates warm a year or more out, Forvis Mazars heavily relied on sporadic email communication, sent out in waves throughout their rolling hiring process. With so many recruiters sending communications to candidates individually, the team had no way to manage individual one-off communications, leading to duplicated efforts and a need for streamlining. 

Forvis Mazars required a centralized approach to communicating with interns during their pre-start process for an extended period of time, while also giving these individuals the ability to access all resources and checklists from the moment they were hired. They found this solve with Abode.
The Challenge Before Abode
The previous approach to keeping candidates warm faced several challenges. There was inconsistency in how different recruiters handled communications, leading to varying experiences for interns participating in the same start date, location, and program. This lack of uniformity made it difficult to ensure that every intern received the same level of information and had the same ability to engage with others in the program up to a year out. Managing these communications outside of a centralized platform was time-consuming and burdensome for recruiters, requiring significant effort to maintain a cohesive strategy. Additionally, there was no centralized location to house resources such as Forvis Mazars’s “Dress for Success” policy or benefits, as well as a place to answer key questions that may have emerged.

These challenges highlighted the need for a more streamlined and standardized approach to all intern communication, where the team could build out templates with digestible information that could be utilized before the start.
Why Abode Was Chosen
Recognizing the need for a more centralized and efficient communication platform pre-start, Forvis Mazars adopted Abode. With interns hired well in advance, the focus was on staying in touch with candidates who had accepted offers for over a year.

Abode became the central hub for providing resources, including benefits information, setting up events, and circulating information broadly. While email remained an option for urgent requests, Abode was utilized for delivering digestible and comprehensive information as it rolled out and as interns were hired in real-time. 

This shift to Abode streamlined communication, built community at the local level, and facilitated direct connections between candidates and recruiters, enhancing the overall pre-internship experience and providing somewhere to go to access information. Transitioning to Abode marked a significant improvement in Forvis Mazars's intern engagement strategy.
Positive Impact and Results
Since implementing Abode, Forvis Mazars has experienced a significant increase in intern engagement, with interns actively participating despite the fact that they are starting in 2025. The Community has been particularly effective in fostering connections, allowing future interns to interact and build a sense of community. Whether initiated by the recruiting team or the interns themselves, there is now a streamlined level of communication, reduced manual workload, and a consistent hiring and pre-board experience. 

Specific key improvements with Forvis Mazars include:

Abode has played a pivotal role in creating an
active community even among interns hired well in advance

The platform has facilitated
intern-to-intern and intern-to-manager connections, fostering relationships and a sense of belonging within the program

Forvis Mazars has observed
a significant boost in program participation, with interns actively engaging in events, discussions, and information sessions

"Ask Us Anything" option in the Forum ensures that all questions are promptly addressed, enhancing transparency, and fostering a positive pre-board experience Overall, Abode has revolutionized Forvis Mazars's intern engagement approach, leading to higher participation, stronger connections, and a more seamless pre-internship journey for all stakeholders a year or more out.
The Road Ahead with Abode
Moving forward, Forvis Mazars plans to expand their use of Abode by:

1. Curating new content and events at the program and local levels so program participants can meet virtually and in-person before they come on board.

2. Increasing the variety and frequency of engagement activities,
such as newsletters, to keep interns informed and involved ahead of their start.

3. Incorporating additional onboarding tasks for upcoming interns so that new hires will use the platform for a structured and comprehensive onboarding process, ensuring they are well-prepared.

4. Integrating new branding and information from recent acquisitions where the platform will be updated with the latest company branding and relevant information to reflect Forvis Mazars's growth and changes.

Forvis Mazars has seen remarkable success by leveraging Abode for their intern keep-warm strategy, which has strengthened intern relationships and facilitated a smooth transition for all interns from offer acceptance to completion of the program. These additional use cases will allow everyone participating in the program to feel informed and ready to go for their cohort, as well as for future internal opportunities.
Candidate Adoption Rate
Number of Communities in Abode
Notifications Sent
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