How HUB International Centralized Their Internship Program and Achieved 100% Community Participation with Abode
Insights From
Robin Winer
Early Career Associate at HUB International
Internship Program
HUB International Internship Program (HIIP)
Hiring Goals
HUB International hired 70 interns and made full-time offers to 43 from their most recent HIP class.
Scale & Locations
HUB International is headquartered in Chicago, IL. Their most recent class consisted of 70 Interns and 43 FT offers across 26 locations; including New York, Chicago, Denver, Nashville, Kansas City, various locations in Canada, and more.
Abode Features Utilized
HUB International utilizes nearly all of the product offerings within Abode. Their most used features include the Forum for intern connection, the Directory for pulling data for internal share outs, and email and templates.
Key Metrics and Impact Highlights
candidate adoption rate
intern engagement rate
positive sentiment of Abode
of interns used the Abode Forum
registration rate (first 48 hours)
of interns recommend Abode
The Need for Abode
HUB International needed a unified and engaging platform to manage their decentralized internship program across North America. Previously, they were using a fragmented approach, including YouTube, GroupMe, and emails to communicate with and manage their interns. This method proved cumbersome, making it challenging to create a cohesive and engaging experience for interns across 35 different offices. HUB wanted to bring all their interns under one centralized program, streamlining communication and creating a more connected and interactive environment.
“HUB is growing fast and furiously – the manual processes we had in place before were not sustainable. Abode made it so everything was under one umbrella and every candidate had the same messaging.”
Robin Winer
Early Career Associate at HUB International
The Challenge Before Abode
Before implementing Abode, HUB International faced significant challenges in managing their internship program. The decentralized nature of their operations, with 35 different offices running their own programs, led to inconsistencies and a lack of cohesion. Communication was spread across multiple platforms, including YouTube for video sharing, GroupMe for texting, and emails for general communication. This made it difficult for interns to interact with each other, share experiences, and feel connected to the broader company.

HUB’s internship program aimed to foster a sense of community among interns, allowing them to share their experiences and learn from each other. However, the scattered communication channels made it nearly impossible to achieve this goal effectively. The program managers also faced difficulties in tracking tasks and ensuring consistent messaging across all locations, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities for engagement.
Why Abode Was Chosen
HUB International turned to Abode to centralize their internship program management and improve engagement among interns. Abode offered a comprehensive solution, bringing all communication, task management, and community-building efforts into one platform. With Abode, HUB was able to:
Centralize Communication
Abode provided a single platform for all intern communications, replacing the need for multiple tools. This allowed interns to easily share updates, photos, and experiences, fostering a stronger sense of community.
Enhance Engagement
Abode’s Forum feature allowed interns to interact more freely, sharing their experiences and learning from one another. This was particularly valuable for initiatives like the HUB Gives service project, where interns could post pictures and updates, creating a more interactive and engaging environment.
Streamline Task Management
The platform's task management features enabled program managers to assign and track tasks efficiently, ensuring that all interns received consistent messaging and were aware of program expectations.
“Easy to use and very effective keeping me informed and engaged”
Chicago Intern
Positive Impact and Results
The implementation of Abode brought significant improvements to HUB International’s internship program. Key outcomes included:
Increased Cohesion
With all interns using the same platform, HUB was able to create a more unified program experience. Interns could easily share updates and stay informed about what was happening in other offices.
Increased Engagement
The use of forums and community features led to higher levels of interaction among interns. They were more engaged with the program, sharing their experiences and participating in discussions, which helped build a stronger sense of community.
Time Savings
While the first year required a learning curve, HUB’s program managers anticipate significant time savings in the future as they become more familiar with the platform’s features. The ability to manage all tasks and communications in one place is expected to reduce the administrative burden considerably.
The Road Ahead with Abode
Looking forward, HUB International plans to continue leveraging Abode to enhance their internship program. They are excited to explore new ways to engage with interns and improve the program’s efficiency. Future plans include:

Expanding Use of the Platform: HUB is expanding their use of Abode to include a Conversion Program for interns who have been extended full time offers of employment. They will use Abode as both a strategic keep warm strategy between time of offer and start date which is after graduation some 10 months later and as a curated onboarding tool. HUB is also planning on using Abode with intern Alumni to foster early career engagement and community.

Further Integration: HUB is considering integrating additional features, such as mentor matching and more sophisticated engagement tracking, to further enhance the intern experience and ensure long-term success.

HUB International’s successful implementation of Abode underscores the platform’s ability to transform decentralized and fragmented programs into cohesive and engaging experiences for all participants.
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